Celestite, also known as Celestine, is a beautiful blue crystal known for its soothing and ethereal energy. It possesses distinct healing properties and metaphysical attributes. Here are the healing properties and associations related to Celestite:
Healing Properties:
Emotional Calmness: Celestite is renowned for its calming and peaceful energy. It can help individuals reduce stress, anxiety, and tension, promoting emotional balance and tranquility.
Clarity of Thought: This crystal enhances mental clarity and promotes clear, concise thinking. It helps individuals organize their thoughts and communicate more effectively.
Spiritual Connection: Celestite has a strong connection to the spiritual realm and higher consciousness. It can facilitate communication with angels, spirit guides, and higher beings, enhancing one's spiritual journey.
Emotional Healing: Celestite supports emotional healing and forgiveness. It assists in letting go of past traumas and negative emotions, fostering inner peace and self-acceptance.
Enhanced Creativity: Celestite stimulates creativity and artistic expression. It can inspire new ideas and promote a sense of inspiration and innovation.
Throat Chakra Activation: Celestite is associated with the throat chakra (Vishuddha), which governs communication and self-expression. It supports the healthy expression of thoughts and feelings.
Associated Planets:
- Venus: Celestite's calming and harmonizing energy aligns with the energy of Venus, the planet associated with love, beauty, and harmony.
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Celestite's primary chakra association is with the throat chakra, where it helps individuals express themselves authentically and communicate with clarity.
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Celestite also resonates with the crown chakra, facilitating spiritual connection, enlightenment, and higher awareness.
Zodiac Signs:
- Gemini: Celestite resonates with the communicative and intellectual nature of Gemini individuals, supporting their quest for knowledge and self-expression.
- Aquarius: This crystal aligns with the innovative and intellectual qualities of Aquarius, enhancing their progressive thinking and humanitarian outlook.